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Our resolve to bring to fruition a Lagos of our dreams is undeterred.

Our resolve to bring to fruition a Lagos of our dreams is undeterred.

< 00:02:14 > |

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Our resolve to bring to fruition a Lagos of our dreams is undeterred. The people’s needs must always be prioritized. This is the primary duty of a responsible government... Read more

Category: Comedy Movies...

Our resolve to bring to fruition a Lagos of our dreams is undeterred. The people’s needs must always be prioritized. This is the primary duty of a responsible government as opposed to what has been obtainable with the past administration. @officialjandor and I are ready to serve the people and without any doubt, the interest of the people is of utmost importance to our course. Lagos state must live up to its status as a metropolitan city. Let’s work together and bring to realization a better Lagos. VOTE WISELY! Vote Dr Abdul-Azeez Olajide Adediran and Funke Akindele as your next Governor and Deputy Governor of Lagos state. #JandorFunke2023 #JafunEko #pdp #abreathoffreshair

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